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Hailey Smith. Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.∎

Learn petrophysics with these ten crisp quality GeolOil educative tutorial videos on well logging. Please share these videos and subscribe to our GeolOil YouTube channel

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Youtube video 20 px icon  1:46 min.   LEVEL: Entry

How to plot a LAS file with GeolOil

Learn how to plot a well log LAS file in 15 seconds: Launch GeolOil, open a LAS file, and a log plot is displayed immediately using a built-in default graphics template.

GeolOil analyzes the LAS curve mnemonics and automatically pairs them with a default set of unique curve aliases. Then it allows to edit the curve mnemonics, alias parings, curve values in a table cell mode, and the plot itself.

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Youtube video 20 px icon  14:57 min.   LEVEL: Entry

How to export well log curves to Excel

Learn how to export well log curves and core data to an Excel spreadsheet. The video explains how to use the Set-2D exporting module and its filters to create CSV files readable by Excel and other spreadsheets.

It is also shown how to build a multiple correlation of permeability as a function of porosity and Vshale. The found correlation can be then applied to other wells.

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Youtube video 20 px icon  13:31 min.   LEVEL: Beginner

The GeolOil log-plot display panel

A left button click reads the actual curve values at its measured depth MD. The center button places a vertical reference base-line. Drag the right button measures vertical zones thicknesses.

It also shows how to put besides the MD scale, a depth scale with TVD, TVD-SS, and INC, write text annotations on the tracks, and put marks using keyboard short-cuts.

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Youtube video 20 px icon  13:10 min.   LEVEL: Beginner

How to verticalize a MD LAS file to TVD-SS

Most LAS files come with depths on the Measure Depth (MD) reference system. However, it is better to study fluid contacts like Gas-Oil, or Water-Oil, not only on a verticalized geometric reference (like TVD), but on the Sub Sea True Vertical Depth (SS-TVD) reference system. Then, several wells expect to have the same TVDSS depth for gas contacts. The video shows how to do this MD to TVDSS conversion.

None. Spoken in English

Youtube video 20 px icon  16:46 min.   LEVEL: Intermediate

Defining petrophysical work-flows

This video shows how to define a sequential work-flow of petrophysical functions.

Although each well may have its individual interpretation work-flow procedure, some elements are usually common, like calculate the borehole temperature, the formation water resistivity Rw that depends upon temperature, etc.

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Youtube video 20 px icon  21:38 min.   LEVEL: Intermediate

Using petrophysical aliases instead of curve mnemonics

The use of unique aliases instead of diverse, non-standard log curve mnemonics in a well log, allows a common nomenclature to handle petrophysical equations, functions, and log plots.

Once the aliases are paired with their mnemonics, log plot tracks and full log display templates are created, so new well logs can have the same pattern of colors, strokes, and fillings.

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Youtube video 20 px icon  3:20 min.   LEVEL: Intermediate

Multi-well Work-flows of functions

This short video teaches how to create, export, and import multi-well workflows of functions and equations. A type well with fully interpreted curves of water saturation, porosity, oil-shale, and mineral solvers is loaded. Then, its alias word set, display log plot template, and work-flow are exported. A bare raw LAS file imports the templates and it becomes automatically interpreted with with expected behaviour.

None. Only text in English

Youtube video 20 px icon  35:20 min.   LEVEL: Intermediate

Petrophysical Summaries and well log Upscalings

This video starts showing how to define and plot flag curves for reservoir and pay rocks. Then, classical summaries like net-sand, net-pay, and Net-To-Gross NTG are illustrated on two wells analyzed. Finally, the video shows how to compute upscaling summaries for porosity, water saturation, and permeability on each stratigraphic zone.

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Youtube video 20 px icon  18:46 min.   LEVEL: Intermediate

Water analysis, salinity, and Rw

This video teaches how to estimate water salinity and Rw formation water resistivity from water analyses, core SW data, and log data.

Log data techniques introduces an improvement of the Hingle and Pickett-Plot equations to deal with shaly sands through extensions of the apparent water resistivity Rwa applied on water bodies like aquifers and water pockets.

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Youtube video 20 px icon  16:09 min.   LEVEL: Advanced

Fuzzy-Logic Mineral Solvers

A clastic reservoir is analyzed to detect its main clay minerals. The results are compared with X-Ray-Diffraction (XRD) and a reasonable match is found.

A well with a carbonate zone, and an eolian sand zone, is studied. Mineral proportions of clays, silt, quartz, calcite, and dolomite, are found.

A well with a tight zone and a shale oil zone is studied. A good quantitative match with the mineral proportions from lab XRD is found.

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Youtube video 20 px icon  61:49 min.   LEVEL: Advanced

Multi-Zone variable parameters

This video shows how to define non constants petrophysical parameters per zone. In GeolOil any parameter can be defined either as a constant, or a full regular variable curve.

The video presents a full case study with several zones. Each zone has its own different salinity, and therefore its own internal Rw variable curve per zone.

GeolOil introduces its exclusive Trilean Logic Engine to handle stratigraphy uncertainty, nested stratigraphic members inside formations, and its relationships with user defined defaults.

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