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Contact us by Email or Phone

"Kudos to you for going above and beyond! Your dedication makes a real difference, and we are grateful to have such a reliable partner."
Enis Aliko. Senior Drilling Engineer. Wellynx Engineering. Italy.∎

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Phone calls are attended from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Houston time (Central Time Zone)

Oscar Gonzalez, GeolOil LLC President portrait

" A great petrophysics software must excel in four aspects:
1.- Designed after decades of petrophysics consulting.
2.- Modern programming practices in compiler design and threads.
3.- Advanced & innovative applied mathematical algorithms.
4.- An outstanding and fast customer service.
Well, we have all these traits."    Oscar Gonzalez. GeolOil LLC, Director ∎

 Our preferred form of contact is Email*

When you email us, we have your correct email to answer you back. Always mention your name, company, and location, in your message.

*NOTE: Sometimes servers bounce back legit emails as spam, specially those with attachments. If you really need to send an attachment, please make sure it has only text or single images, never executable or compressed files, as they might be blocked or bounced by servers.

In some cases, servers reject and bounce some legit emails even without attachments. We have had so many hacker attack attemps that we removed fillable HTML forms. If emails persist bouncing, please call us by phone or sent a phone text message and we will return your call or text.

Finally, another alternative way to reach us without an email, is through LinkedIn, and after login, search for: GeolOil LLC to message us.

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