Since 2012

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Products Icon  PRODUCTS

☰  All Products

  1. Log learning set
  2. LAS file Editor
  3. Alias Editor
  4. LAS log Displayer
  5. Functions Workflow
  6. Muti-well Work-flow
  7. Summaries & Upsc
  8. Ionic Water Analysis

  9. Well Log Scripting:

Services Icon  CONSULTING

☰  All Services

  1. Assembling
  2. Processing
  3. Interpretation

Training Icon  TRAINING

Youtube video 20 px icon  VIDEOS

☰  All Videos

  1. How to plot a LAS file
  2. Export data to Excel
  3. The log-plot display
  4. Flatten MD to TVDSS
  5. Function Workflows
  6. Petrophysical Aliases
  7. Multiwell Workflows
  8. Summaries & Upsc.
  9. Water Salinity
  10. Mineral Solvers
  11. Multizone Parameters

HandBook Icon  RECIPES

☰  All Recipes

  1. Merging LAS files
  2. Depth curve shifting
  3. Points interpolation
  4. Curves calibration
  5. Confidence bands
  6. Build Permeab. Corr.
  7. Demo files data set
  8. Core Data Import
  9. Computing Net-Pay
  10. Petrophysical Cutoffs
  11. VSH from GR index
  12. VSH from Neut-Dens
  13. Water Saturations
  14. Indonesia Water Sat.
  15. Mod. Simandoux Eq
  16. Fracture Porosity
  17. Geomechanic Logs
  18. Split Rock Volume
  19. Mineral Solvers
  20. Pay Indicator Index
  21. Water Salinity & Rw
  22. Estimating RHOM
  23. Estimating Rw & m

Paper Icon  PAPERS

  1. SWirr from well logs
  2. Water Sat. from Rxo
  3. Porosity from Rxo
  4. Porosity from Rt
  5. Vshale or Vclay ?
  6. Gas cap detection
  7. Biased Beta Distr
  8. Shaly Pickett Plot Eq.

Reference Flag Icon REFERENCE

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