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GeolOil - Scheduled hands-on computer petrophysics courses   

Our July upcoming on-line course is: Advanced Petrophysics. This $588 course includes a 6 months commercial license of 2023 GeolOil full model. It is designed for geo-scientists, petrophysicists, geologists, and petroleum engineers, with essential basic knowledge of petrophysics.

Advanced petrophysics well log banner

This training course also a provides a real work tool: A 6 months full license of GeolOil, valid for commercial use.

  • The concepts covered in the course are applicable to any commercial petrophysical software, however the examples will be illustrated with GeolOil Petrophysics software.

  • Instructor: The course will be taught by Oscar Gonzalez, the main developer of GeolOil Petrophysics Software, with 30+ years of consulting experience in the oil & gas industry.

Advanced Petrophysics: Tips and Tricks


Registration Deadlines: Friday July 14th, or Friday July 21st, 2023

Participants must pay and register to take the course. Immediately after payment, instructions to install the GeolOil licenses will be provided. Please notify then, the name of the participants, and their emails to grant access to the course.

Early registration: before or on July 14th

Full license for 6 months

only $588

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Best savings

No hidden charges or auto-renew.

Deadline Registration: July 21st

Full license for 4 months

only $788

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Good value

No hidden charges or auto-renew.

Buy now with PayPal

No PayPal account? Pay with debit or credit card

Classes schedule: Monday July 24th to Thursday July 27th, 2023

The course of 22 hours will be held on-line from Monday July 24th to Thursday July 27th 2023 (Houston time) on the browsers Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome over the platform Microsoft Teams

9:00 am - 12:00 noon   and   1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
(Houston time = CT Central Time)

Questions and answers

  1. I already have a GeolOil leased license. Can I add my license term?
    Yes, we will extend your current license expiry date accordingly.

  2. I already have a GeolOil Lifetime Perennial License. How can I use the offered license time?
    We will give you credit for other purchases or services. For instance, you could use it for an additional leased license, acquire a Learn Set, acquire additional dedicated custom training sessions, or even our expert consulting hours for a project. You must trade the credit within two months of the course finalization.

  3. I am a student. Can I have a discount or some benefit?
    Yes, we will give you a cash back rebate of $100 via PayPal. You must email us PDF proofs of your university registration and enrollment in geo-sciences or engineering before the course starts.

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