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When you download or use any edition (free or paid versions) of GeolOil software you agree with the following items:

  1. You will be considered as a GeolOil user, even if you are related only to test downloads or free editions or the software. If you have paid for a license or service, then you are considered a customer or a client.

  2. GeolOil might select, at our sole discretion, its users, customers and clients to be referred on our web site's list of users, customers and clients.

  3. You may prefer not to disclose your name or company on our list. In such case, please contact us so we can remove your reference and any possible links to your company or organization web-site. Your removal from the list will not affect your license, whatever is free or paid.

  4. Your email will be added to our email list, so you will be informed about GeolOil products, services, tips and news. At any time, you can request removal from the email list just by answering a GeolOil email using the subject "REMOVE".

  5. If you have a GeolOil license, you can use it, but your are not permitted to decompile or back-engineering our software. It will be considered a violation of international copyright laws. You are licensed to use the software, which does not gives right of any form of technology ownership.

  6. Prices are subject to change at any time without notice, even the free editions.

  7. You are the owner of your data. However, odds are that some times to better assist you, we would need to access your confidential data just to help you. In such cases GeolOil will not disclose your data to any third party. Period.

  8. The software is provided as it is, and we will not accept under any circumstances, any direct or indirect liabilities of its use (this is standard for virtually all software).

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